Tackling Tough Interview Questions - Be Prepared! by GradResumes.com
Now that you have secured an interview, you need to prepare for the tough questions that lie behind the employers' door. The majority of people considers the expected questions and prepare for these. Many rehearse the answers so that they sound confident while answering them. Practicing responses in advance keeps a check on nervousness, and you sound professional and confident. However, with the job market so competitive and so many applicants applying for the same job, employers have come up with a way to weed out applicants and let the cream rise to the top. Employers will ask questions that are difficult, make your pulse race and be tough to answer.
Tough Questions You Can Expect Let us take a closer look at some of the tough questions you may be asked and what a likely response could be:
* You have no experience. Why should I consider you? - You need to be persuasive. Mention your ability to overcome deficiencies. Also, mention how you increased your knowledge through education, internships and summer jobs. Perhaps explain how your ability to master new technology made your colleagues turn to you for advice. Detail how your budding management skills would have a positive impact on the organization.
* How did you resolve a conflict, if you had any, with your professor or last employer? - You need to accept that you had disagreements with your professors or past employers that required resolution. Give specific examples of how you coped and resolved the issue without being judgmental of your professor or previous employer. To answer this question correctly, you need to show that you are able to see the other persons view in the dispute, consider all options and then act rationally. That is what the employer is looking for. The employer really does not care who was right or wrong but what is important is how you handled yourself and the situation. * How would your professors (or last employer) describe you? - Explain that all would agree that you were a very energetic person who always accomplished whatever task was at hand. You were dependable, creative and possessed a keen eye to apply your knowledge in a very practical sense. Inform the interviewer that you have references for his consideration to backup your comments.
* In your opinion, what are the qualities of a successful manager? - Be brief, clear and meaningful with your answer - as this is a true quality of an excellent manager. Some qualities you could mention are collaborative leadership, visionary planning, understanding the corporate objectives. Also, highlight how to interpret these to increase revenues and service the clientele. You can finish your response by giving an example of a person you consider to be a true leader.
* What is your greatest weakness? - Everyone has one so never answer this question in a lame manner. Be precise and confident in expressing to the employer what you feel your greatest weakness is. Then immediately explain how your main achievement has been to recognize your greatest weakness and work on overcoming the issue.
About the Author
This Article Courtesy Of: GradResumes.com - specialists in graduate resumes and college admission documents. With dozens of professional resume writers and education specialists, and some of the finest editing staff in the industry, we have effectively helped thousands of clients launch their and successfully gain admission to their schools of choice.
1 comment:
Here are a list of some important Interview Questions.
Click on them to view the answer:
1)Tell Me Something About Yourself ?
2) What Is (Are) Your Strength (Strengths)?
3) What Is (Are) Your Weakness (Weaknesses)?
4) Can You Work Well Under Pressure?
5) What Are Your Short Term Goals?
6) What Are Your Long Term Goals?
7) Where Do You See Yourself 5 Years From Now?
8) Why Should We Hire You?
9) What Kind Of Salary Are You Looking For?
10) Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?
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