Thursday, April 24, 2008

Telephone Interview Tips - Land Your Dream Job by CK Tan

Telephone interview tips can help you land your dream job. How? The amount of telephone job interviews conducted by employers has dramatically risen over the past five years and the trend shows no signs of slowing. This is mainly due to the fact that employers are searching for ideal candidates who live out of town, not just those who live locally. Chances are that you may have to “attend” a telephone interview. When you do, these tips will help you out.

Keep in mind that an interview conducted over the phone is just as important as one conducted in an office. You need to prepare for your interview just as you would any other interview. Review questions and practice your answers in front of a mirror or with a friend. Make a list of questions you want to ask. You might also want to study up on the employer you are interviewing with.

Always keep your resume and the classified job ad in front of you during the interview. This will keep vital information within reach. Avoid preparing a pile of documents. If you have a stack of papers in front of you, you will be tempted to browse through papers which will create a noisy distraction during your interview. It will be very difficult extracting information from a huge pile anyway. The key is to keep it simple.

If at all possible, use a home phone line for the interview. Cell phones can be unreliable. A home phone is both more reliable and free of static. Set aside time for the interview. Make sure you are in a quiet place and that will allow you plenty of time to talk. Your interviewer may request to conduct the interview through a video conferencing system on the computer. This is fine, but there could be technical difficulties if you don’t make sure you are up and running ahead of time.

Make sure you set aside plenty of time for your interview. You never want to abruptly halt an interview or disrupt it in any way. One of the best telephone interview tips that you can follow involves getting into an ideal frame of mind before the interview. Schedule time before the interview to relax. Take steps to limit disruptions. Take the call in a private room located away from kids, animals and other potential distractions.

Try to speak up and pronounce your words clearly. Remember; the quality of your voice is your first and only impression. Speak passionately, but avoid becoming too animated or excited. This could make it difficult for the interviewer to understand you.

Another great tip is to dress for a telephone interview just as you would in an in-office interview. While no one will actually see you, you will feel more professional and your voice will convey this.

Telephone interview tips will only help you if you have time to prepare beforehand. If an employer cold calls you and asks to do an interview on the spot, politely ask if you can call back at a better time. Always give a time when you will call back.

About the Author

CK Tan is the owner of, a web site dedicated to assisting job seekers secure a job in Asia. If you need help in your Asia job search or looking for a job opening in Asia, visit

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